ManagerPlus Lightning -


  • Vendors can now be deleted in rare instances where they have no associated records.  Vendor records will continue to remain protected if they are associated anywhere else in the database.
  • Change to maintenance plans that link schedules:  When schedules are linked and combine tasks, the system will ensure all tasks listed are unique and prevent tasks from being duplicated on the generated work order

Example: the A & B services are linked in the maintenance plan to ensure both are done at the same 

  • A service:  (Every 3 months) oil & filter change
  • B service: (Every 6 months) oil & filter change + Coolant flush

Previously, the combined tasks would result in a B service stating:

  1. oil & filter change
  2. oil & filter change
  3. coolant flush

With the change, the system now eliminates the duplicate task resulting in a B service Work Order that says:

  1. oil & filter change
  2. coolant flush

  • Asset lookup speed has been greatly improved
  • Vendor status card now visible on the work order


  • Fixed issue where users were unable to search bins to add to the parts in Inventory Details
  • Fixed Asset KPI displays not changing when filtering the asset list
  • Corrected problem where canceling the delete of a PO Line item is not working properly, but the line is deleted
  • Fixed issue preventing users to edit notes on PMs, even if they had security clearance to do so.

Mobile - 4.0.7


  • Nothing New


  • Nothing New
API and Connectors


  • Nothing New


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