ManagerPlus Lightning -


  • In-app Chat - Introducing in app chat.  You can now chat to our support department using the new in app chat feature. 
  • Introduced a slightly new way we are displaying attachments - they are now displayed in larger cards.  This was done to be easier to use on smaller devices as well and gives us space to add a file note on the attachment later on. 


  • Corrected an issue that blocked the creation of a work order on a phone or tablet (Main application used on a phone)
  • Added the assigned vendor to the work order list and pm list
  • Fixed a security block that prohibited users from seeing work done to assets at previous locations.  You can now see the full history of the asset regardless of where the work was done if that asset belongs to your site (assuming you have asset view rights to that site).
  • Corrected a server error received when using the purchase order comment line
  • Corrected an issue associating new budgets to sites - it was requiring a a refresh in order to be able to add the new budgets.  
Mobile - 4.0.697


  • Nothing New


  • Made some modification in the work order notes to be able to specify a public or internal note
  • Did some cosmetic fixes to the note boxes - we were seeing some anomalies like scroll bars showing up when there was nothing to scroll to. 
  • Additional cosmetic fixes affecting darkmode users
API and Connectors


  • Nothing New


  • Made some mild changes to both the Geotab and Zonar connectors to account for special scenarios in bringing in miles and hours data.