ManagerPlus Lightning -


  • New Asset Movement History - While you have always been able to more assets from site to site we added some additional features.  Like a full asset move history for sites and locations as well as the ability to move the associated open work orders. 

  • New Feature Marketplace - The new new feature marketplace allows you explore augmented functionality and toggle this new functionality on as you need.

  • New Downtime Manager - we now have a new downtime manager added - this can be toggled on in the feature marketplace. 

  • Lightning now supports weblinks as attachments.
  • Redesigned the attachment panes with attachment cards - this was done to add the ability to update the note or name in a future release.
  • Redesigned our custom field editor.  This was done to give more control over custom fields and group management.
  • Added the "Work Description" field to the printed work order.


  • Removed the advanced search in assets in that it was not needed since you can search all of the fields in the column headers.
  • Corrected an error with Bi chained reports.
  • Fixed a broken link for requesters to view their history.
  • Corrected an issue in the Bi permissions page that was causing it not to load.
  • Updated the Inventory Valuation Report to be tailored more for the inventory value.  It had some additional fields that are found on the Inventory Cost Balance and Inventory Cost Reconciliation reports.  This was confusing therefore the duplicate fields were removed in order for the report to focus more on the inventory value as it was originally intended. 
  • Made some updates to the log importer to account for date succession.  We were seeing logs being imported in a random date order which was causing unintended log warning.
  • Made some changes tot he Bi Maintenance Dashboard to refresh properly after the Bi Update a few weeks ago.   
  • Fixed advanced search results in Work Orders that sometimes would omit the created and completed data from the results.
  • Added support to see certifications for inactive employees.
  • We had a small group of clients not receiving emails from notify 
  • Updated several dashboards in ManagerPlus | Bi.  This was to resolve several errors seen when running the dashboards after our major update to Bi a few weeks ago.  Note that if you have a copied version of one of these dashboards the fixes here will not cascade to the copied dashboards - these will need to be re-modified. 
Mobile - 4.0.692


  • Nothing New


  • Nothing New
API and Connectors


  • Added new web services to move assets for the developer API.  This included changing an assets site/entity or location/group.  In addition we added some additional GET calls to help you provide the correct information when moving assets, particularly to GET asset budgets and groups.


  • Nothing New