
This article defines each field and tab found in the Work Order home screen.


1.  Log into ManagerPlus and click on the Work Orders icon located on the left.

Useful Information and Links:

Useful Links to Related Articles:

To learn how to Manage Notes on a Work Order, click here.

To learn how to Add Labor on a Work Order, click here.

To learn how to Add Parts to a Work Order, click here.

To learn how to Create a Work Order, click here.

To learn how to Add an Attachment to a Work Order, click here.


Entity:  An entity is a location, division, department, or any other organization unit that you need to describe your company.

Work Order Number:  Work Order will automatically assign you a number when created.

Failure Code:  A Failure Code is the description used to define why the work order has been created.

Purpose:  Brief description of what the work order will accomplish.  

Asset:  Asset that is the subject of the work order.

Budget:  The budget that this work order will be assigned to.  This field is automatically populated with the budget assigned to the asset.

Priority:  You can choose the state of the priority, including: Minor, Normal, Major, and Critical.

Status:  Status of the work order.  When a work order is generated automatically or created manually, the status is set to the default.  The status will change after the work order is completed.

Due:  The due date field allows you to set a date and time for the work order to be complete.

Completed:  This field is designed for you to put in when the work order is completed.

Assigned:  Employee or vendor assigned to this work order.  Click on “. . .” to select an employee or vendor from the Assigned Lookup.

Customer:  Customer assigned to this work order.  Customers assigned to an asset will automatically be assigned to the work order.   Click on “. . .” to select a customer from the Customer List Lookup.