
Forgetting your password happens more often than you think. Resetting it is easy. Follow the steps below to reset your password.


1.  You can request a password request by clicking on "Click Here" next to the Forgot Password Link at the bottom of the ManagerPlus login screen then enter your UserID and then click "Reset".  An email with a password link will be sent to the email address listed for that UserID.

If you can't get to the login screen, contact your System Administrator or Customer Support at 800-730-9965.

 2.  Create a new password, then conform your new password. When complete, you should automatically be logged in to ManagerPlus.

Your password requirements are set by your system administrator.

Useful Information and Links:

Useful Links to Related Articles:

To learn how to Change your Password, Click Here.

To learn how to Edit your Company Information, Click Here.