
Being able to manage your images on your individual Assets is an important part of your ManagerPlus experience. Doing so will be able to give you a quick view of your Asset.  The following instructions will help you upload, and remove any images to your individual asset.


1.  Log into ManagerPlus and click on the Assets icon on the side ribbon.

2.  Create a new Asset or open an already existing Asset from your Asset list.  

 If creating a new Asset, all required fields must be filled in and then saved before you can proceed to Step 3.

3.  On the top left section of the Asset screen, click on the Add an Image icon.

4.  Select the Image you want to add.

5.  To Delete an image, click on the Delete icon on the top right corner of the Image you wish to Delete.

Useful Information and Links:

Useful Links to Related Articles:

To learn how to manage notes on an Asset, click here.

To learn how to manage an attachment on an Asset, click here.

To understand information on the Asset screen, click here.