
Available on your Assets page is what’s known as Key Performance Indicators, or KPI’s.  This feature will allow you to quickly view key information about your Assets, such as Asset Failures, any Assets Not Utilized, the Average Age of an asset, Monthly and Yearly Cost Comparison, and a graph showing the last 60 days’ worth of Work Orders and their Asset Categories


There are several tools available on the Assets main screen to help you.  Going across the top of the screen there are five main dynamic tools: Asset Failures, Asset Category, Assets Not Utilized, Average Age, and Cost Compare.


Asset Failures:  The Asset Failures icon is the count of Assets with open Work Orders that have a Work Type that uses a Failure Code.

Assets Down:  When utilizing the down time feature, this will indicate how many assets are currently down, either because they were brought down manually, or because an open work order took it down

Asset Category:  The Asset Category graph is a break-down of open Work Orders across Asset Categories.

Assets Not Utilized:  The Assets Not Utilized icon are Assets with Meters/Logs that have a primary meter/log.  If the primary meter/log has not been updated within the last 30 days then it’s considered Not Utilized.

Average Age:  The Average Age icon is based on the Asset's Manufacture Date, and is the average of all assets age.

Cost Compare:  The Cost Compare icon shows if you are up or down in costs from last month and are you up or down in costs compared to last year.