
Managing Vendor Phone Numbers is an important feature of creating a successful Vendor profile and can be easily done by following these few simple steps:

This article applies to + Professional and + Enterprise.


1.  Create a new Vendor or open an already existing Vendor

 If creating a new Vendor, all required fields must be filled in and then saved before you can proceed to Step 2. 

2.  Click on the Phones tab.

3.  Select the  Add Phone icon. 

 To update a Phone Number, go to Step 6. To delete a Phone Number, go to Step 7.

 4.  Next, select the Phone type, whether it be Home, Cell, Work, Business, Fax, or Other.  Then add in the appropriate Phone Number.

 Phone number fields are restricted to the following characters: [], (), X, \, -, +, #, *, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.

 The Label and Default fields are optional and are not required but may provide ease of use for the user.

5.  Click on the Save icon.  Once you have finished this step, you have successfully added a Phone Number to your Vendor and are ready to proceed.

6.  To update a Phone Number, click on the Update icon on the right. After doing so, enter in the correct information to the appropriate fields. For help in doing so, return to Step 4.

7.  To Delete a Phone Number, click on the Delete icon on the right. A pop-up menu will appear asking you to confirm. Upon clicking on OK, the number will be deleted.  If you need to enter in a new Phone Number and need help, return to Step 4.

Useful Information and Links:

Useful Links to Related Articles:

To learn how to Import Vendors, click here.

To learn how to Manage Credit Memos for a Vendor, click here.

To learn how to Manage Notes in a Vendor Profile, click here.

To learn how to Associate a Part with a Vendor, click here.

To learn how to Create a Vendor Manually, click here.

To learn how to Manage a Vendors Address, click here.

To learn how to Manage Vendor Entity Assignments, click here.

To learn how to View the Vendor Work Order and Inspection History, click here.

To learn how to Add an Attachment to a Vendor Record, click here.

To learn how to Delete a Vendor, click here.

To learn how to Merge Vendor Records, click here.