
Your ManagerPlus account can generate budgets for a new fiscal year based on a percentage of another budget. For example, when creating a budget, you can have ManagerPlus automatically estimate the monthly budgeted amount to be a specified percentage above, or below, the previous year’s expenses.  Creating a new fiscal year budget is simple. The following steps will help you create a new fiscal year budget:

This article applies to + Professional and + Enterprise.


1.  After Logging into your ManagerPlus account, click on the Modules tab and then click on the Budget icon in the main ribbon.

2.  Select and open the budget you want to estimate a new budget from.

3.  Click on the Add Next Fiscal Year icon.

4.  Select the new Fiscal Year you just created in the fiscal year box.

5.  Specify the increase or decrease in percentage using the Calculate Estimates by Changing Previous Years Expenses By:

6.  Finally, click on the Estimate Fiscal Year icon.

Useful Information and Links:

Useful Links to Related Articles:

To learn how to Create a Budget, click here.

To learn how to Add a Previous Year’s Budget, click here.

To learn how to Delete a Budget, click here.

To learn how to Create a Budget Group, click here.

To learn how to Manually Enter a Budget Transaction, click here.